4 Strategies for Cost-Effective Predictive Maintenance

Predictive maintenance and machine condition monitoring has the potential to save any business a significant amount of money. However, finding the funding for predictive maintenance solutions can prove easier said than done. Developing sensible, cost-effective strategies for a company’s predictive maintenance is, therefore, crucial. Those strategies can include everything from intensive planning to employing the most effective vibration analysis equipment.

Make a Predictive Maintenance Plan

Streamlining and standardizing a predictive maintenance can pay considerable dividends in the short- and long term. A detailed predictive maintenance schedule should include:

• An assessment of the assets that will require predictive maintenance

• Documenting guidelines for measuring efficiency performance, and outlining how they can be improved

• A comprehensive inventory of spare parts

• Training guidelines and possible improvements

• Determining the most strategic use of personnel

• Targeting and prioritizing existing or probable problem areas

Prioritize and Focus on Your Assets

Once a thorough assessment of assets has been completed, prioritize them according to how critical each one is to your plant. Determine which assets would result in downtime if they failed or required repair and which assets have backup systems. Identify the assets for which a strict adherence to a maintenance and repair schedule is necessary and the ones for which those tasks can be strategically rescheduled to minimize or mitigate downtime.

Choose Vibration Analysis Equipment

Vibration monitoring and analysis is among the most effective predictive maintenance tools available. When an asset is malfunctioning or failing, those issues are likely to manifest as problematic vibration or movement. Analyzing that problematic vibration is essential for identifying root-cause issues and resolving them. Identifying and resolving those issues can minimize or entirely avert downtime and can prevent additional damage, or even prevent asset failure. That, of course, has the potential to save a company a considerable amount of money. Additionally, even asset problems that are not necessarily degenerative are often responsible for costly decreases of efficiency.

Rely on Smart Vibration Analysis Technology

The next vital decision a business must make is which monitoring technology platform to choose, as the right platform can make a huge difference. The priority should be to select smart vibration monitoring equipment that is powered by Motion Amplification® technology. Motion Amplification® is a vibration monitoring and analysis innovation from RDI Technologies that visualizes movement across an entire asset. Traditional vibration analysis technology relies on contact sensors that produce a great quantity of complex information. That information tends to be difficult to communicate to non-technical staff members. Contact sensors also require downtime for setup. Vibration analysis equipment powered by Motion Amplification®, on the other hand, clearly communicates complex information even to non-technical team members in real time. It provides a comprehensive component-level view of critical assets and can be either continuously run or employed at specific intervals. That kind of smart, dynamic vibration analysis is an invaluable benefit for any business that relies on machine assets.

About RDI Technologies

With the release of the leading-edge Iris product platform, RDI Technologies effectively revolutionized the machine condition monitoring and testing space. The Iris M™ vibration analysis and monitoring platform is powered by Motion Amplification®, making it a high-precision machine condition monitoring solution. That Motion Amplification technology delivers crucial insights into the condition and the reliability of critical assets. It does so by rendering otherwise invisible vibration, displacement, and movement in those critical assets visible in real time. Additionally, the Iris products can be installed for predictive maintenance or testing that either runs continually or at specified intervals. Monitor the condition of your critical assets and test results with Iris technology platform from RDI Technologies.

Experience how Iris M™ can contribute to efficient, cost-effective predictive maintenance at https://rditechnologies.com/


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