The Importance of Incorporating Machine Condition Monitoring Into Your Quarterly Reviews

The quarterly review is an effective tool for taking stock, evaluating progress, and devising strategies that can help realize your business’s goals. Traditionally, the quarterly review is concerned with reviewing a company’s financial situation in the recent past and planning for the future.

However, a quarterly review provides an opportunity for another kind of analysis: machine condition monitoring of the critical assets in a manufacturing or production facility. Your business may benefit from the inclusion of reports from diagnostic technology like vibration analysis equipment in your quarterly reviews.

Vibration Analysis Equipment

Don’t Forget the Critical Assets

The efficient operation of machinery in your production facility is essential to the financial success of your business. As such, it makes sense to include a diagnostic review of those mechanical assets into the quarterly consideration of financial assets. This quarterly machine condition monitoring is not just to prevent critical failure, either: If a mechanical issue is resulting in sub-standard efficiency, it has the potential to cost your business considerably.

Prioritize Predictive Maintenance

A robust predictive maintenance policy is likely to include diagnostics, a quarterly maintenance check, and machine condition monitoring. For a business that relies on its production assets, your bottom line may be dramatically affected by downtime, critical failure, and asset inefficiency. The installation and use of vibration monitoring equipment can prevent these issues and serve as the cornerstone of an effective machine condition monitoring policy.

Employ Vibration Monitoring

Problematic vibration is one of the most reliable indicators of a maintenance issue within a production asset. Smart vibration monitoring technology can help determine if an issue is present and help identify its source.

However, one of the drawbacks of traditional vibration monitoring equipment is the necessity for contact sensors. Installation of these sensors can require production downtime, and any resulting data needs to be analyzed and interpreted by a reliability engineer or other technical team member. And even when the information has been gathered and interpreted, it can be a significant undertaking to communicate the complex data to non-technical team members.

Choose Smart Vibration Monitoring Technology

 Fortunately, Motion Amplification® technology can address the drawbacks of traditional vibration monitoring equipment. Motion Amplification® is smart, modern vibration monitoringand analysis technology that employs movement, vibration, and visual-displacement sensors to measure and visualize otherwise invisible motion.

The result is complex data communicated clearly in real time to team members, whether or not they’re technical staff. In addition, identifying root-cause issues is often far easier and faster because a vibration monitoring platform driven by Motion Amplification® can visualize an entire asset, providing a component-level view. Lastly, Motion Amplification® technology doesn’t require any downtime to set up, ensuring that your manufacturing facility stays on track to meet its production goals.

About RDI Technologies
RDI Technologies has made its mark in the predictive maintenance space with the introduction of its Iris M™ system, a machine condition monitoring technology driven by Motion Amplification®. Iris M™ is a precise, cutting-edge predictive-maintenance platform that effectively turns every pixel in a camera into a displacement and vibration visualization sensor. 

This patented Motion Amplification technology amplifies motion to make otherwise-invisible motion visible, providing Iris M™ users with critical asset data in real time. Iris M™ also delivers a full field-of-view vibration analysis of assets that can offer swift root-cause problem-solving without needing downtime for setup. Iris M™ clearly and effectively communicates critical data to technical and non-technical team members alike by converting complex data into informative visualizations. Experience these innovations from RDI Technologies to find out why Seeing is Believing™.

Learn more about the Iris M™ platform from RDI Technologies at


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