Safety, Security, and Preventative Maintenance: The Keys to Your Facility’s Success

Ensuring the safety and security of your staff and critical assets is crucial in a manufacturing facility. Worker safety and the efficient, effective functioning of the mechanical assets on the production floor are necessities. Predictive maintenance solutions like smart vibration monitoring technology can help prevent critical asset failure and identify profit-draining inefficiencies. Consider the following tips for a safe, secure, and well-maintained manufacturing facility.

Motion Amplification

Incorporate Input From Experienced Staff

Safety and security training, standards, and checklists from management and OSHA are essential in a manufacturing facility. However, the people most likely to be familiar with practical safety and security concerns are those on the production floor. Whether they’re team leaders or team members, experienced facility staff are an invaluable resource for identifying floor-specific safety concerns and providing input on practical responses to them.

Involve Facility Employees in the Process

Incorporating the insights and observations of facility staff shouldn’t be limited to experienced workers. Employees at all levels appreciate any indication that their voice is being heard and what they say has value. Encourage all manufacturing facility staff to share safety and security concerns, questions, and suggestions to managers. Incentivize the reporting of safety and security concerns with rewards—monetary or otherwise—to identify problems and put forth solutions.

Prioritize Effective Predictive Maintenance Technology

Monitoring and maintaining the “health” of critical production assets can be essential in protecting the floor staff’s health and welfare. One of the most reliable predictive-maintenance solutions available is proactive machine condition monitoring. For comprehensive machine condition monitoring, employ vibration analysis equipment that relies on Motion Amplification® technology. Consider the innovative Iris M™ machine-condition monitoring technology platform developed by RDI Technologies. Iris M™ essentially converts every pixel in a video camera into a real-time motion, vibration, and displacement sensor. The result is a full field of view vibration analysis that clearly communicates complex data about an asset to technical and non-technical staff alike. As no contact sensors are required for the Iris M™ platform, there’s no downtime required for setup.

Ensure That Training and Education Goes Two Ways

Sometimes the best way to get a clear picture of a situation is to experience it. It’s a given that proper training of facility staff is necessary to ensure the success of any manufacturing concern. However, training can be a two-way street: Floor staff often have first-hand knowledge of safety, security, and inefficiency concerns and are often willing to share their observations about current or potential issues with supervisors. To further the learning curve, some companies could benefit from their management working in their manufacturing facility. Some organizations set aside a few hours a month for all management levels to work at different stations and on different tasks on the production floor. This hands-on approach can serve as an invaluable learning experience and help create a more-efficient, better-maintained, and safer manufacturing facility.

About RDI Technologies

RDI Technologies revolutionized the predictive maintenance with the introduction of the Iris M™, a technology platform driven by Motion Amplification®. Iris M™ is a precise, cutting-edge machine condition monitoring system that essentially turns every pixel in a camera into a displacement and vibration visualization sensor. That Motion Amplification technology amplifies motion to a level visible to the human eye, providing users with critical data in real-time. Additionally, Iris M™ delivers a component-level, whole-system view that can be essential for swift root-cause problem-solving and doesn’t require any downtime for setup. Iris M™ converts complex data into informative visualizations that clearly communicate critical information to technical and non-technical team members alike. With RDI Technologies, Seeing is Believing™.

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