5 Tips for More Effective and Efficient Predictive Maintenance

A robust culture of predictive maintenance is crucial to the efficient operation and lifespan of a business’s manufacturing and production equipment. By prioritizing a comprehensive predictive maintenance policy and adopting smart machine condition monitoring solutions, like the use of completely non-contact vibration analysis equipment, a business may save a lot of time, money, and frustration.

Vibration Analysis Equipment

Take an Inventory of All Mechanical Assets

The first step in implementing effective and efficient predictive maintenance practices is taking an inventory of all mechanical assets. That means an inventory of the critical assets as well as those that provide direct and indirect support. If the HVAC system fails and the temperature in the production facility skyrockets beyond comfortable or safe working conditions for operators and staff, downtime will result. It will result even if the critical assets would continue running because of the upstream issue. Regardless of the cause, downtime is downtime.

Do an Assessment of All the Assets and Prioritize

Once a thorough inventory of all assets has been completed, or while it’s being completed, do a detailed assessment of all the equipment. Organize the maintenance priorities according to age, condition, wear, and so on. Consider whether it makes better financial sense to repair or refurbish older assets, or replace them completely.

Create a Central Database for Maintenance Tracking and Scheduling

Create a central database that tracks the condition of the assets, establishes a maintenance schedule, and includes a timeline for reassessing the condition of machinery. Include maintenance priorities like a lubricant adding and testing schedule, deep cleaning, testing, vibration monitoring, and so forth. Emphasize that strict adherence to those schedules and updating the database are top priorities.

Employ Smart Machine Condition Monitoring Strategies

Machine condition monitoring is, of course, an essential feature of predictive maintenance. Vibration monitoring and analysis are among the most worthwhile and effective machine condition monitoring tools available. However, it’s vital to choose the smartest vibration monitoring solutions. Insist on a vibration monitoring platform that uses Motion Amplification® technology to visualize the motion of the entire asset. Vibration analysis technology powered by Motion Amplification® is completely non-contact. So unlike traditional vibration analysis equipment that relies on contact sensors, no downtime is necessary for its setup, and it provides critical data in real-time. Additionally, it provides data on an entire asset, including the visualization of the relationships between the equipment’s components. And that real-time data is clearly communicated to technical and non-technical staff alike.

Consider Redundancies for Critical Assets

Sometimes, despite the most dedicated predictive maintenance practices, unforeseen issues can still arise, and assets can malfunction or fail. To avoid the capital-siphoning sinkhole of downtime in the case of critical asset failure, it’s necessary for redundancies to be in place. Realistically, it’s doubtful that redundancies can be established for every asset run by a business. However, establishing redundancies for as many of the critical assets as is feasible is a wise step.

About RDI Technologies

RDI Technologies has successfully changed the predictive maintenance industry forever. With the Iris M™ technology platform, RDI Technologies provides businesses with a precise, cutting-edge machine condition monitoring innovation that effectively turns each of a camera’s pixels into a motion and vibration sensor. Vibrations that would have otherwise remained imperceptible to the human eye are rendered visible. The Iris M™ platform’s Motion Amplification technology provides users with data in real-time. That data can provide swift resolution of the root-cause issues identified by the platform. With RDI Technologies’ Iris M™ Motion Amplification® technology, critical data is converted into informative, meaningful visualizations, which allow crucial information to be shared with non-technical team members. Additionally, the Iris M™ technology platform requires zero downtime for setup. Seeing is Believing™ with RDI Technologies.

Find out how the Iris M™ innovation from RDI Technologies can take your business’s predictive maintenance strategy to the next level, at Rditechnologies.com


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