4 Tips for Lengthening the Lifespan and Reliability of Your Critical Assets

A business’s manufacturing equipment is its backbone, providing vital support for the entire operation. Maximizing the operational lifespan and reliability of critical manufacturing assets is vital for a business’s long-term success. While the machinery itself and the specific maintenance and upkeep tasks necessary to keep it running are often complex, the strategies tend to be fairly straightforward. Strategies like using the right vibration analysis equipment for effective predictive maintenance, training employees to be maintenance-informed, and more can prove invaluable.

Motion Amplification

Instill a Culture of Cleaning and Maintenance

Practical and productive asset maintenance begins with establishing a committed, sustained culture of maintenance in the production facility. That includes basics like insisting that the work area remains clean and unobstructed. It also requires strict adherence to maintenance and testing schedules. One of the most important features of a maintenance culture is meticulous upkeep and maintenance logs. These all seem fairly simple but make a big difference at the end of the day.

Promote Predictive Maintenance

A toothbrush is far less expensive than a root canal. It’s less unpleasant too. Dedication to a culture of predictive maintenance is entirely preferable to an avoidable critical asset failure and the downtime that comes with it. A crucial element of predictive maintenance is the employment of vibration monitoring technology. Choose a vibration monitoring platform that uses Motion Amplification® technology to identify any root-cause issues. Non-contact vibration analysis equipment provides the added benefit of visualizing the motion and vibration across an entire asset. That provides users with meaningful data on the interrelationship between components. The world class vibration monitoring program should include tools that provide data in real-time with no downtime for attaching contact sensors.

Pay Attention to Maintenance Details

Production facility personnel paying attention to simple maintenance details can make a big difference in the long run. For example, emphasize to the staff that all panels in the machinery be closed properly. It’s easy to overlook a panel being left open after use and to pay little attention to it afterward. But an open panel can introduce a lot of dust, moisture, and other contaminants into machinery. Making sure that machine lubrication top-off and testing schedules are rigorously followed can likewise make a big difference.

Train Employees to Be Asset Maintenance-Informed

The employees working on and around equipment can contribute considerably to the equipment’s efficiency and longevity. Production facility staff should be trained to spot and report signs of wear, indications of leaks, sounds or movement that seem problematic, and anything else that doesn’t seem right. Non-contact vibration analysis equipment can be run at any time. Employees should be trained to use it and analyze the reports, and time for this analysis should be included in their schedules.

About RDI Technologies

RDI Technologies has successfully changed the predictive maintenance industry forever. With the Iris M™ technology platform, RDI Technologies provides businesses with a precise, cutting-edge machine condition monitoring innovation that effectively turns each of a camera’s pixels into a motion and vibration sensor. Vibrations that would have otherwise remained imperceptible to the human eye are rendered visible. The Iris M™ platform’s Motion Amplification technology provides users with data in real-time. That data can provide swift resolution of the root-cause issues identified by the platform. With RDI Technologies’ Iris M™ Motion Amplification® technology, critical data is converted into informative, meaningful visualizations, which allow crucial information to be shared with non-technical team members. Additionally, the Iris M™ technology platform requires zero downtime for setup. Seeing is Believing™ with RDI Technologies.

Discover everything that RDI Technologies’ Iris M™ machine condition maintenance innovation can do for your business’s predictive maintenance process, at Rditechnologies.com


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