
Showing posts from July, 2020

How to Ensure That Your Production Facility Keeps Running Reliably with Limited Staff

It’s always tough for a business to operate with a reduced staff. Those challenges can be amplified when a business needs to ramp up production schedules despite understaffing. However, there are a number of strategies that can be employed to address those challenges. To ensure that their production floor continues running reliably in spite of staff limitations, the best option for those businesses is focusing on solutions that apply to both employees and production assets. Prioritizing both cross-training and predictive maintenance with vibration monitoring is one example. Motion Amplification Encourage an Open Communication Culture A true culture of communication is always extremely important for a business. When that business is facing a full, or even increased, production schedule and a limited staff, it becomes crucial. Listening to employees’ concerns, acting on them, and making it clear that communication is encouraged and welcomed is essential. Encourage

Technologies and Tech Trends That Are Changing Manufacturing Facilities

Technology has changed the way manufacturing facilities operate and will continue to do so. Industries all over the world are adopting new technology to improve operations and better serve their clients, and it’s changing what work environments look like. A good example for manufacturing is advancements in predictive maintenance and machine condition monitoring, such as innovations to vibration analysis equipment . Vibration Monitoring The Internet of Things The Internet of Things (IoT) revolution is changing virtually all facets of modern life. The changes that seem to get the most focus are those applying to lifestyle and household goods or, in the business space, more clerical and desk-job applications. The IoT is going to change, and has already begun to change, manufacturing as well. Individual assets will be connected to one another and to larger systems, and will relay pertinent information about production levels, output, efficiency levels, and so on to tho