
Is It Time to Implement Changes to Your Predictive Maintenance Program?

Without reliable predictive maintenance (PdM) programs, facilities around the world would endure countless costs associated with unexpected downtime, labor, and avoidable repairs and replacements. Predictive maintenance, at its core, is about addressing problems and maintenance needs before they have an impact. Every process needs refinement, have you considered issues within your predictive maintenance workflow? It might be time to audit and optimize your facility’s program. Here are four signs to notice.  You Lack Real-Time Insight Things can change fast in a production facility. One hour the system runs seamlessly, then later in the afternoon, you need to shut an asset down to perform unexpected maintenance or repairs. A seamless, consistent predictive maintenance routine can help you avoid these unexpected repairs, allowing you a chance to schedule them ahead of time. It all starts by gaining access to real-time data. If you don’t have the ability to see motion, moveme

4 Strategies for Cost-Effective Predictive Maintenance

Predictive maintenance and machine condition monitoring has the potential to save any business a significant amount of money. However, finding the funding for predictive maintenance solutions can prove easier said than done. Developing sensible, cost-effective strategies for a company’s predictive maintenance is, therefore, crucial. Those strategies can include everything from intensive planning to employing the most effective vibration analysis equipment . Make a Predictive Maintenance Plan Streamlining and standardizing a predictive maintenance can pay considerable dividends in the short- and long term. A detailed predictive maintenance schedule should include: • An assessment of the assets that will require predictive maintenance • Documenting guidelines for measuring efficiency performance, and outlining how they can be improved • A comprehensive inventory of spare parts • Training guidelines and possible improvements • Determining the most strategic use of personnel

4 Ways Vibration Analysis Equipment Can Improve Efficiency in Manufacturing Facilities

Improving efficiency is a goal for many manufacturing facilities, big or small, and across all industries. When critical assets are fully functional, and every team member is working efficiently, things go smoothly and safely, and the facility can maximize its potential output. Conversely, when unexpected repairs occur, this can result in downtime or even shutdowns, and the financial consequences can be severe in extreme cases. To help improve efficiency, many facilities employ vibration monitoring systems to strengthen their predictive maintenance process and have noticed positive effects across other areas of the facility. Here are a few of the ways that vibration analysis equipment could help your facility.     Recognize Potential Issues Ahead of Time   Surprises are seldom welcome in a manufacturing facility. Managers and operators need consistency and reliability from critical assets and equipment. Preventative maintenance ensures these machines operate smoothly,

How to Convince Non-Technical Team Members That Vibration Monitoring is a Must

There are few machine condition monitoring and predictive maintenance platforms as effective or essential as vibration monitoring. However, the benefits and importance of vibration analysis equipment can be hard to explain to non-technical team members. Even once it’s been implemented, traditional vibration monitoring equipment produces data that can be even more difficult to communicate to those non-technical team members. That makes the use of smart vibration analysis equipment , and a means to communicate its effectiveness, critical.   Explain What Vibration Monitoring Can Do   The first step in convincing non-technical team members that vibration monitoring technology is an essential tool for predictive maintenance is explaining what it can do. Explain that vibration analysis is a top-tier solution for effective testing, measurement, and predictive maintenance. Clarify that proactive identification of an asset’s problematic motion and vibration can shorten production

Effective Automotive Testing and Measurement with Advanced Vibration Monitoring Technology

Advanced vibration monitoring and analysis technology has long been a significant asset for a number of industries. However, attaching sensors to equipment can be time-consuming, and not always practical. Recent advancements have expanded the benefits vibration monitoring and analysis technology platforms can provide, such as completely non-contact platforms. Non-contact vibration monitoring technology is perfect for testing and measurement in the automotive industry. Vibration Monitoring Choosing the Right Vibration Analysis Equipment The most exciting leading-edge advancement in the vibration analysis space is the use of vibration analysis equipment that relies on Motion Amplification technology rather than contact sensors. Vibration analysis platforms powered by Motion Amplification® effectively turn a camera’s pixels into real-time displacement and vibration sensors to amplify and visualize motion that would otherwise remain invisible. It’s an innovation that allows for a compreh

How to Communicate the Value of Vibration Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance

Your production assets are critical to everything you do, and when there’s a problem, big or small, it costs money. From the lost productivity to the cost of repairs or replacement, downtime can be expensive. This is why predictive maintenance and vibration monitoring are so crucial. Vibration monitoring technology can help plan downtime around existing schedules and reduce the amount of downtime overall by identifying issues before they become serious. While technically minded people understand this, non-technical team members and stakeholders might question the investment needed in specialized equipment. Regardless of your industry, here are the key points to communicate to key stakeholders. Vibration Monitoring Waiting for Repairs Is Costly Repairing or replacing critical assets costs your operation in more ways than one. Not only do you need to pay the cost of parts and labor, but that downtime means less time your equipment is producing revenue. What’s even worse than repairs is

Is Vibration Analysis Still an Effective Predictive Maintenance Solution?

  Maintenance is a must. That’s true whether you’re a car owner or a business manager who is dependent on the continual and efficient functioning of the critical manufacturing or production assets in your production facility. If you’re the latter, you may be aware that predictive maintenance is an important aspect of production. Predictive maintenance can save you time and money when compared to other maintenance strategies. Machine condition monitoring is a cornerstone of predictive maintenance that traditionally relies upon vibration analysis equipment . Given the enduring nature of vibration analysis, it’s worthwhile to consider whether it remains a relevant and worthwhile predictive maintenance solution. Vibration Analysis Equipment What Vibration Analysis Can Do Why is vibration analysis equipment such an important feature of machine condition monitoring? A problematic vibration may arise when a machine is malfunctioning, and this vibration may be undetectable to the human e