
Showing posts from December, 2020

Understanding the Relationship Between Employee Safety and Your Machinery Health

 There is no shortage of practical reasons for a business to make sure their critical manufacturing or production machinery is functioning at full health. Production assets with issues or malfunctions can reduce efficiency, impact product quality, and result in downtime. All of which can prove expensive. More importantly, machinery and equipment malfunctions seriously injure and even kill workers every year. That makes effective predictive maintenance, especially using innovative vibration analysis equipment , critically important. Vibration Analysis Equipment Critical Assets Can Cause Serious Injuries There are millions of workplace injuries a year in the U.S. and hundreds every hour! Employees who work around large machines are at risk for injury more than many other professions. Manufacturing and production jobs are near the top of the list. Serious injuries caused by faulty or malfunctioning machinery and equipment are an unfortunately common occurrence. Many of them, however, are

Repair or Replace Your Critical Assets: Using Vibration Monitoring Technology to Help Make This Crucial Decision

 When a critical asset malfunctions or ceases to operate reliably, a critical and difficult decision needs to be made: repair or replace? In addition to the financial implications, which can often run into the millions, it can also be a safety issue. While the repair versus replace question will always be complex, looking at data over a longer period of time and employing tools like vibration analysis equipment to determine asset reliability and condition can prove illuminating. Vibration Analysis Equipment The Pros and Cons of Repairing If the outcome of the two options is going to be the same, repairing machinery or equipment is certainly preferable. Repair can cost less and may result in less downtime. In addition to the longer-term repair versus replacement financial considerations, look at the basics first. For instance, is the asset in question under warranty? Keep in mind that repair costs will likely increase as the machinery ages. Age of the asset, older technology becoming