
Showing posts from August, 2020

How to Improve Manufacturing Productivity by Enhancing Employee Contentment

Taking steps to focus on and improve the contentment of the employees at a manufacturing facility should always be a top priority. Enhancing workplace contentment can potentially improve productivity, save money, and increase profit. Strategies for doing so should involve employee engagement efforts, including training and communication. It's also vital to maintain and upgrade the equipment that production employees use. For instance, accurate, non-contact vibration analysis equipment can ensure that machinery is functioning properly while reducing the need for employees to spend time shutting down machinery. Vibration Monitoring Foster a Culture of Communication and Transparency There's no better way to find out how the experiences of employees can be improved than by engaging with them about the work environment, their thoughts, and feelings. There are universal strategies for improving contentment and satisfaction, but every workplace is unique. Engage with employees to d

4 Lean Manufacturing Strategies to Optimize Efficiency for a Manufacturing Facility

There are a number of good reasons to implement lean manufacturing strategies. Leaner manufacturing can improve efficiency, reduce waste, and reduce overhead. It can even improve product quality. Implementing lean strategies requires two approaches—enhancing the operations and processes of mechanical manufacturing assets and working with personnel. From using vibration analysis equipment for efficient, accurate machine condition monitoring, to learning from the strategies of others, an investment in lean manufacturing should always be a priority. Vibration Analysis Equipment Build a Solid Implementation Strategy for New Lean Processes As it should be for any major change in approach, the first step toward the implementation of lean manufacturing is developing a high-level strategy for doing so. It may prove helpful to focus on specific targets for production rates, time saved, waste reduced, and so on, and tailor a strategy around meeting those goals. Begin by identifying the bigges